[ Potential Knight In Shining Armor ]
Justin's Interactive Search For His Knight In Shining Armor

Yeah, I realize it could be better. :-\

Bet hey, it could be worse... we could have been born at different times in history. ;-)

I do travel... and locations can always be changed... so I guess I'll just say that it's completely up to you. *grin*

I can tell you that I live in San Diego, and that San Diego has non-stop flights to nearly everywhere... Granted, flying on over to Australia or whathaveyou takes a little more planning that flying to New York City, but it can be done.

So, whaddya got to lose... you can either end it here or you can check out the "Meside of this little introduction if you haven't already or you can visit my online journal at Justin's Life.com and then maybe, just maybe, drop me a line via e-mail at justin @ justinslife.com

At the very least, thanks for playing. ;-)




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